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Home > Shall not in a sentence

Shall not in a sentence

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Sentence count:229+2Posted:2017-07-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: till nowDead men tell no talesshallshaleshallowshallotmarshalmess hall
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(61) I shall not turn to the vexed question of the national minimum wage.
(62) A requirement imposed by regulations shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban.
(63) I shall not live long enough to enjoy all of it.
(64) We shall not make any comments about this until we have had a chance to inspect a longer time span.
(65) Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
(65) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(66) A lawyer shall not knowingly... offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false.
(67) We shall not bridge that gap with particle accelerators in the foreseeable future!
(68) I tell Opposition Members that we shall not give way; we shall retain control over public spending.
(69) I shall not abandon the effort to persuade you otherwise.
(70) I shall not be a character witness at your trial, believe me.
(71) I think we shall not see the likes of Princess Diana ever again.
(72) Betas must so live, learn, and work that we shall not sink to the cultural level of the Alphas.
(73) I shall not be able to stay past Easter Sunday because I am expected back at work.
(74) I shall not be able to complete my remarks anyway.
(75) I shall not gird at realism.
(76) The expenses shall not exceed 200 yuan.
(77) Their actions shall not go unpunished.
(78) I shall not frequent your society long, Natty!
(79) I shall not have to take orders from others.
(80) You shall not allow a sorceress to live.
(81) But Jeremiah said, They shall not deliver thee.
(82) Persons under 18 shall not be employed in nightwork.
(83) I shall not have success if they're too stupidly.
(84) Truth may be blamed but shall not be shamed.
(85) Nature shall not grow old and dote.
(86) We shall not digress into the history of methanics.
(87) The subcontractor shall not use such verification as evidence of effective control of quality.
(88) The period for recovery seafarer book shall not exceed two years.
(89) The air gap between rotor and stator shall not exceed OEM specifications.
(90) Where the bondsman performs his responsibility, the bonded person shall not be freed from his obligation to complete Customs formalities.
More similar words: till nowDead men tell no talesshallshaleshallowshallotmarshalmess halloil shalejohn marshallmarshall planshilly-shallyuntil nowmalnourishedillnessfullnesswell nighwellnessmalnourishmentstillnessill-naturedhallhalohalehalthalflethalhalvehalalhallow
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